Here you can find an assorted collection of my projects. Depending on the project, my involvement ranges from active to past, as nowadays I spend most of my time doing paid work. More can be found in my portfolio.
An effort to generate a uniform, easy-to-parse, discord-compliant emoji map. Meant to aid Discord app and bot developers in dealing with emoji in user interactions.
I started this because there was no such resource prior to me starting it. Names and aliases were not consistent with any mapping I could find, and such definitions are very useful.
An administration utility for end-users in a segmented home network environment, based on Mikrotik routers and wireless access points. This was something I designed and implemented to allow users a limited degree of control over their network segment, most notably with regards to Wi-Fi access and static DHCP lease management.
An effort to get Quake 3 Arena server boot on your toaster. This is something I occasionaly mess with in my spare time. So far managed to create containers and static binaries for various Linux, Mikrotik, and Android targets.
A very simple paste service, which offers end-to-end encryption. The main difference from popular services like Pastebin is that the server only ever gets encrypted blobs, while the keys stay completely client-side.
A very simple yet complete implementation of HOTP and TOTP 2FA algorithms for .NET Core. Designed to simplify implementation of basic 2-factor authentication in .NET applications.
DSharpPlus is an unofficial Discord API wrapper for .NET, originally forked from DiscordSharp. It's an alternative to Discord.NET, which provides a simples, if less mature, API.
I have made major updates to the library, both its internals, and the external API. I drastically improved its build/publish pipeline, redesigned its documentation, and provided many examples of usage in major .NET languages.
An effort to compile a single, thorough (though localized) list for AdGuard Home instances with up to 1GB of RAM. I started this because my router was struggling to compile lists on its own.